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Mueller Platinum Eurotape Rigid Strapping Tape - 1 Roll

Regular price
RM 23.00
Sale price
RM 23.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
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Price is for 1 Roll only.
Harga tertera bagi 1 gulung sahaja.

Quantity: 1 roll
Size: 1.5inch x 450inch (3.8cm x 11.43m)
Colour: White
Material: Cotton

Why Mueller Platinum Eurotape?
- High Strength, Non-Stretchable (Suitable for strapping and immobilizing ankle, wrist, knees etc)
- Serrated Edges (Easy to tear)
- Extra Sticky (Stays in place even with movement)

Mengapa pilih Mueller Platinum Eurotape?
-Kekuatan Tinggi, Tidak Kenyal (Sesuai untuk 'strapping' bahagian yang cedera seperti bahu, lutut dan pergelangan tangan)
- Bahagian tepi mudah dikoyak (Tidak perlu gunting semasa aplikasi)
- Perekat berkualiti tinggi (Tahan lama walaupun banyak pergerakan)